Embodying Your Boundaries Weekend Intensive

What you get:

Zoom Link to access the Live training, with the following learning objectives:

  •  Learn the nuanced intersection and impact of childhood and generational trauma within the context of systemic oppression (e.g., patriarchy, white body supremacy, and capitalism). 
  • See the world - and your life/role in it - in a new way. 
  • Learn what embodied boundaries feel like so you can stop the endless cycle of oppression.
  • Learn concrete ways to embody the change you want to see in the world by changing your inner world first.
  • Begin to envision a life that feels fulfilled, aligned, and self-directed--all within community.

What People Are Saying:

[M]y life is irrevocably changed. I am the happiest I have ever been and I credit my work with Judy for the learnings and growth that has helped me get here. My investment - time, money, and energy - into our work together has come back to me 100 times over. If you are ready to confront hard truths and challenge yourself because you know you deserve to be the happiest, most authentic version of yourself, don't think too hard...Judy is the best coach out there.


$275.00 USD